In Business, the Golden Rule is Not the Gold Standard

In Business, the Golden Rule is Not the Gold Standard


Since we were children, most of us keep been told that we should nurse others as we dearth to be treated. Well that’s a welfare starting place But having someone feel special, and in the time of business,.

In Business, the Golden Rule is Not the Gold Standard

In Business, the Golden Rule is Not the Gold Standard

Since we were children, most of us keep been told that we should doctor others as we deficiency to be treated Well that’s a profit starting place. But having someone observe special, and in the case of business, truly enjoy doing business with you, requires a simple kink on this piece of adviceWhen it comes to effectively dealing with others, the value of the Golden Rule is so overrated that it is addressed in the New York Times peak seller Truth or Delusion, co-authored by Ivan Misner, Mike Macedonio, and Mike Garrison The three authors write, “All the evidence we’ve gathered about behavior styles and personal preferences supports what we christen the Platinum Rule: Treat others they style THEY need to be treated.”There you go Treating someone the system you would like to be treated is not a customer-centric theory However, treating them the method that they would like to be treated positively is. So how do you sense how customers dearth to be treated? Just ask them!

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